Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Successful lathe move

Having learnt my lesson from the unsuccessful lathe move of last week, I decided to hire someone who had moved lathes before and did know what they were doing for the second attempt at moving the lathe. This time round there were no issues.....

I am having quite allot of trouble with peroxide compatibly. I used only materials that were compatable (PVC, SS and PE), cleaned meticulously, rinsed with distilled water, then acid and still I get a stream of bubbles. At the moment the sparging column is a PVC pipe, but I am thinking I will switch to all Stainless. At the moment I am pumping warm water from a hot water urn through the column to heat the peroxide, but it occurred to me that I could just use the urn (which is all stainless) and save myself quite a bit of trouble. I will have to replace the seals with viton for compatibility and replace the tap but that should be it. The one downside is that it has a short aspect ratio which wont give much time for the air to be in contact with the solution but the vapour coming off seems saturated as it is so I dont think this will result in a loss of efficiently.

Here are a few pictures of the final PVC concentrator. The three barbs which can be seen are for heating water in, out and air in. I used sprinkler fittings to spray air, which allows for easy adjustment.

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